Friday, September 11, 2009

11th September...

If there is one day in this decade that changed the way we perceived life, it would be 11th, September, 2001...

Life was uncertain, but this singular incident transcended all levels of uncertainty.
How would it feel to stare at the Wright Brothers' invention darting at you at around 400 miles per hour ?
How would it feel to experience a free fall from the 100th floor of a tower ? 

I penned " 11th September, 2001 " on the next anniversary of the terror attacks that changed the dimensions of life...

A pile of dust in which lay the twin tower
Brought an end to the dominance of the Superpower .

America was no longer “ The Invincible Nation ”
For the collapse of the towers, had shaken her foundation ;

The motive behind the attack was quite unknown
As the airplanes, were into the building flown .

Laser guided missiles aren’t as accurate as them ever
As Wright’s invention was on 11th September ;

Ground Zero symbolized this monumental blunder
In which, were demolished structures that touched the blue yonder .

The Pentagon too wasn’t spared a thought
In this ghastly inhuman plot ;

A plot that tarnished an entire nation’s image
Made the citizens of the world solemnly pledge.

“ Every step would be taken so that no blood flows
Of the innocent people in such dastardly shows ; ”

But as the world still reeks of such heartless slaughters
How do we get back our gift of laughter ?