Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The world is not enough...

" To dream anything that you want to dream,
  That's the beauty of the human mind "

There is something inside our cranium that is beyond human measure...
Something that propels man to reach out for the stars...
Something that is unfathomable even to the highest prophets of learning...
Something that makes us who we are and who we want to be...

My poem, " The Enigma ", deals with this incomprehensible power of the human mind...

With the light of the sun, the serene moon glows
And the river from highlands, downhill flows.

And the birds flap their wings, which we cannot
But airplanes we fly, where eagles dare not;

And scale, do we mountains however high
And across the globe, we at our will ply.

And talk to one another, whenever we yearn
For the love that binds us to our loved ones;

And ventured have we beyond the realms of the sphere
For the unknowns today, we no longer fear.

For the mysteries, which were once so alien
Have been solved, at large, by the human brain;

But the solution to the mystery we are yet to find
Is explaining, the enigma of the human mind.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Never having to say sorry...

" Doubt that the sun doth move
  Doubt truth to be a liar,
  But never doubt, I love "

Love is unconditional. It asks no questions, demands no answers...
It is akin to poetry of the senses...

My poem " Love " explores this nonpareil emotion that can overwhelm even the adamantine hearts...

No fleeting sensation, it was that day
But a memory, which would, forever stay.
And there was so much that I longed to say
But so little time, I had that day.
To tell her, what she meant to me
To my life dearer, than anyone could be.
For I, for once knew what true love was
Unconditional, in its every cause.
Nor ephemeral, as all things were
But a feel, that I would, forever treasure.
For with memories of that passing moment, with her
A lifetime, I could spend in solitude forever.
And a complete man I would prove to be
Till the time, her love would remain with me.