Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Pandora's box...

" Hope is a good thing,
  maybe the best of things,
  and no good thing ever dies. "

Aeons ago when Pandora fettered Hope in the confines of the artifact, its fate looked grim.
Would it ever survive the aeons of captivity ?
Would it ever be unchained to warm the hearts of men ?

The world of mortals was still not ready to give up on Hope.
The man who had sunk the 'Titanic' to infinite leagues under the sea, descended further below.
This time to free Hope from the bottom of the Pandora's Box.
James Cameron revealed Pandora in an incandescent light that the world had never experienced before.
Pandora, a macrocosm in the Alpha Centauri star system, populated by Na'vi, a remarkable kin of the sapient humanoids.

'Avatar' is the beacon of Hope that Man will constantly endeavour to achieve the impossible.
'Avatar' is more than just a movie. It is an experience that would outlast a lifetime.
An experience that redefined the art of watching movies.
An experience where while watching a movie, you felt that you could pluck the flowers of the Hometree and embrace the portents from Ewya, the Mother Goddess.
An experience that seemed hyper real but still believable...

Besides the brilliant 3D images and the spellbinding visual effects, 'Avatar' also conveys a very strong message - 'Tomorrow is Another Day'.
There may come a time when Man might cease to be the cynosure of eyes in the cyclopean environ of the cosmos.
He might cease to be the omnipotent on earth.
A message of love would ensure the co-existence of Man with his brethren.
He would survive.
Hope has survived as well.  
What else could have been more important...