Wednesday, September 1, 2010


" I know the world isn’t fair,
  but why isn’t it ever unfair in my favor ? "

This question by Calvin to his dad forms the crux of the 'Why' questions that we keep posing to the world, without ever being satisfied with the answers offered.
Are we too curious, too demanding.
Or are we denied answers that could convince us enough to believe in them...

'Why' explores a few such questions that we are still seeking an answer to...

Why do we smile, or why do we cry,
Or why do we laugh when spirits are high;
Or why were we denied wings to fly,
Could anyone ever justify?

Why do our songs reflect our moods,
Or why what we desire, forever eludes;
Or why no wealth, can us satisfy,
Could anyone ever justify?

Why what we preach, we never practice,
Or why we wage wars and still desire peace;
Or why some are daring and some so shy,
Could anyone ever justify?

Why do we mourn for those who have died,
Or why our feelings, we just cannot hide;
Or why some people do we glorify,
Could anyone ever justify?

Why what we hear, we tend to believe,
Or why most work, unfinished we leave;
Or why always truth is hard to deny,
Could anyone ever justify?

Why do we hope, our dreams come true,
Or why is life a variety of hue;
Or why are ambitions forever high,
Could anyone ever justify?