Sunday, July 26, 2009

A few earlier poems ...

In the following two months, I look forward to posting my earlier poems, ones which I wrote in school...

After penning the " Magic of Mathematics ", my schoolfriends persuaded me to write one each on Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well. 

" Physics is Fun " followed...

When the laws of nature lay buried in the ocean floor;
An emphatic “ Eureka ” by Archimedes showed us the door
Through which man would swim into a colossal shore
Of knowledge, which was further explored by Bernoulli’s oars .

Then came up the unquestionable superiority of Mother Earth;
Which the eccentric Copernicus proved wrong without dearth
Of evidence; and the superiority of the Sun was proclaimed
Which was further enlightened by Galileo’s birth .

With the emergence of Newton; Physics took a new turn;
With the discovery of gravity on the apple’s return
With a momentum that did earn - “ The Laws of Mechanics ”
An incredible thing to learn !

When the world asked for the direction of heat flow;
The maverick Joule on the Physics world did bestow
The Laws of Thermodynamics; elaborated further
By Carnot’s engine show .

When Faraday and Maxwell came to the forefront;
The genius in them made possible an electrical stunt
That laid the foundations of the electromagnetic world
And legends like Einstein were brought in the hunt .

A belief long held was that mass was constant;
Plank and Einstein changed it in an instant
Came up the Theory of Relativity
E = mc² was proof of their ability .

Glory, laud and honour unto Physics the king;
This thro’ countless ages all humans sing .

" The Domain of Chemistry " would not be too far behind either...

It all started with air;
When Dalton in his lair
Proved it to be a mixture
The greatest gift of Nature .

Lavoisier predicted the existence of inert nitrogen;
Whilst Priestley concluded it had life-giving oxygen
In a proportion five to one
To contradict them; there was none .

Mendeleev thought that the periodicity of elements;
Relied on their atomic weight; “ What a great amazement !”
Before Moseley broke the people’s prolonged slumber
By changing atomic weight to number .

Enhanced it further did the genius Neils Bohr;
The world started ringing “ yeh dil maange more ”
And the genius once more established again
The stability of the electron to the chemistry kingdom’s gain .

Rutherford and Thomson are names one cannot miss;
The fact that we had them gives us a sense of bliss
The discovery of Polonium by Marie Curie
Opened up new realms of nuclear chemistry .

In 1828, Wohler synthesized urea;
Thus organic chemistry proved a totally new area
To be explored by scientists as intelligent and able
As Grignard and Wittig who got the Nobel .

Came up the question of the mysterious aroma;
Which Kekule said was not an enigma
But a hexagonal structure called benzene
From which we get phenol and toluene .

From rainbow clouds there flow not; drops so bright to see
As they do so from the Domain of Chemistry.

" Biology - The Origin of Life " was hot on the trail of its competitors...

What life was; remained a mystery;
God sent Aristotle and all was history
Plant life into trees and shrubs, did he classify
And the five elements of life, did he specify .

This myriad of flora and fauna one had to name;
And the kingdom classification was Linnaeus’ claim to fame
The “ Origin of life ” was one of Darwin’s hunches
On the island of Galapagos it was confirmed by the finches .

Whilst the knowledge of the micro-world remained confined in a shell;
Hooke grabbed the limelight on discovering the cell
And in this cell, did Mendel find a mysterious presence
Whose experiments gave us the Laws of Inheritance .

As anatomy assumed the pole position;
It was left to Harvey to demonstrate blood circulation
When the body-organs were dissected by Vesalius
Then did the study of medicine actually become serious .

And while Jenner emerged on the sly;
Smallpox was eradicated in the twinkling of an eye
Fleming discovered penicillin, a true panacea
What couldn’t it cure; hay fever, whooping cough and even pneumonia .

The new era of biology was started by the adventurous few;
Among whom Watson and Crick were the famous two
Their model of DNA was something to behold
Since then of the deep secrets of life has it told .

Biology has come a long way from grass to genes;
And of all untold mysteries, it has spilled out the beans .