Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The magic of mathematics...

" Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. "

Mathematics has engrossed me ever since my childhood. I hope to do my MBA and join a Financial institution where I'm able to indulge in some mind-boggling number crunching...

" The Magic of Mathematics " is my first poem and will always be close to my heart just as the subject is...

In ancient times in an unknown zone
Were the seeds of mathematics sown;
As the seeds starting growing into trees
The fruits bore the solution of many mysteries .

Geometry was born and its Father was Euclid
The world was amazed at what he had accomplished;
Descartes ventured out with a point to prove
Put Euclid’s work on the coordinate-axes and made all approve .

Twenty years of effort resulted in Napier’s log
The emergence of Trigonometry was one more cog
In the Wheels of Fortune; now in its zenith position
Since it was the beginning of Pythagoras, the maths magician .

Newton came along and put the world in a shock
When they saw the tree growing faster than Jack’s Beanstalk;
Induction and Binomial were no less in worth
Though he was also responsible for Calculas’ birth .

Then came the problem with the square root of minus one
Which Euler and De Moivre solved with much grace and elan;
All numbers are Complex Numbers is what they declared
“ Wow! They are geniuses ” is the belief people shared .

Boole, the mastermind, brought with him the finest hour of glory
Boolean algebra was a totally different story;
“ Mathematics is the Queen of Science ” is what Gauss proclaimed
We knew that from the ancient times is what the people exclaimed !

And as I ponder over the exploits of Nash’s “ Beautiful Mind ”
I often wonder what keeps the Queen; in glory forever enshrined .