Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nascent Reflections...

What could be the reason for choosing such a name and what would the theme be...

I believe that Poetry is the most sublime form of unpremeditated art, a pedagogic influence on mind and senses alike, a poignant upsurge of emotions in a relatively impassive and indifferent world..
Or is it something more, something of a microcosm by itself, rendering an Utopian world of uninhibited imagination, with tranquility and beauty at its highest zenith...
Or is it a mirror reflection of man's inner soul, a semblance of the obscure melodies in his mind, a spontaneous outburst of his 'nascent reflections' on life...

Whatever be it, Poetry is more eloquent than words and more articulate than silence, it has power to create and re-create the ecstasy of life’s music, it can move mountains and bend trees, uplift spirits from their grave and freeze time in its trail.

Poetry is older than the hills and will last till the stars burn away, unlike the mortal being who as Shakespeare summarized, "we are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep" and inspired me to pen my first acrostic poem.

Every path that I tread, would be lost someday 
Pebbles that I throw would merge with the clay;
Hands that I shake would not leave a trace
Eternity was never a part of my race.
Money in my vaults would lie all bare
Every song that I sing would melt in thin air;
Relations I have, would eventually end
All joy and sadness would finally blend.
Life would be a candle in its dying stage
Immortal thoughts would gradually age;
There would not endure my dreams either
Young or old, everlasting would be neither.