Saturday, October 2, 2010

Helen of Troy...

" Priam: I have heard rumors of your beauty. And for once, the gossip is right. "

Helen of Troy was beautiful.
So beautiful, that her face could launch a thousand ships to bring her back home to Sparta.
So beautiful, that the Trojan War, that would go down the annals of history as the unsurpassable model for all the wars that were to come, was fought over her...

My first soliloquy 'Helen - The Queen of Sparta' captures the heart-wrenching grief of Zeus, the 'King of the Gods' and a witness to the death of Troy...

Stunned beyond belief, Zeus watches the burning of Troy,
as his worst premonitions come true...

Thou wast Lord of the Greek pantheon
Thy mighty czar of heav’n ‘nd earth;
But b’hold, what thine daughter hath done
The cinders of Troy burn’th in the hearth.

How did’st though, thy daughter of Leda
A cherubim born in the mortal orb,
Launch a thous’nd of the fam’d armada
In quest of her, around th’ globe.

The war waged on for ten long ‘eons
And cities burnt on th’ pyre of men.
Oh! Thou, Lord of the Greek pantheons
But a mute spectator to th’ misdeeds of Helen.

Zeus sighs and shakes his head disbelievingly as the conflagration
engulfs Troy and Menelaus impales the lascivious heart of Paris...

Helen, b’hold! What thou hast done
The Spartans dance on cadav’rs of men.
Oh! had’st thou not plott’d thine abduction
Vultures would not feed on Troy’s r’mains.

Uncanny though, what thy see’st in the fire
The wr’th of men and their unholy curse,
More pot’nt than God is man’s desire
The true rul’rs of the mortal univ’rse.

Zeus realizes that in spite of being the Lord of the world,
the events of the mortal world are beyond his authority.
Man is the Lord of the Universe…