Today, is the second birthday of my blog - Kushan's Musings...
Over the past two years, few of my nascent reflections have grown mature while few continue to be in a blossoming phase as I embark on a new journey of the highway of life and my first stop happens to be Kelley School of Business...
The candle for my blog's first birthday, helped me discover the world in a new light.
And today I don't need to light another candle, for "somewhere, that light still burns on..."
I walked unafraid into the net,
Woven by the moon on the starless night,
For the shackles would melt with a tiny droplet
Of scarlet red from the veins of light.
That night, I dreamt of a hue of colors
Hidden beneath a dark pretense of somber,
But I still caught a glimpse of the radiant glitters
Despite night's efforts to veil that splendor.
And the road to the rainbow was long and dark
And cleaved through a grand wilderness of doubt,
But there was gold at the end of the rainbow arch
And its luster could drive the darkness out.
And through the night I kept following my dream
And was greeted by a blinding light at dawn,
A fleeting moment, when the night had appeared to stifle the beam
For somewhere that light still burns on.